Vukov Monument Train Station i Beograd

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SerbienVukov Monument Train Station



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бб, Ruzveltova, 11116, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3370047
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.8046225, Longitude: 20.4779378

kommentar 5

  • Gordana Konjikusic

    Gordana Konjikusic


    It could use a maintenance, it's really reeky, inconspicuous but it still fastest way to get to New Belgrade from this point. It's was really a great project when it was built tow decades ago, really great idea, and not so bad constructed. The main whole still carries that spirit. The place is really foul, especially the so called "shopping center" within the station, where you can find the homeless people sleeping on the floor and you can smell urine in the air. It's creepy in the daylight and I'd never dear to venture in there at night

  • Петар Николић

    Петар Николић


    Usually not crowded. Interesting architecture. Expect the air inside to be a bit cooler. That giant escalator is unique in Belgrade.

  • Milos Rapajic

    Milos Rapajic


    Pretty old, and not so clean. Should be much better maintained.

  • Andrej Balanč

    Andrej Balanč


    At the moment it is the only real metro station in Belgrade. Architecture is awesome but it should be kept more clean and neat. Worth seeing if you are passing by.

  • Filip Đorđević

    Filip Đorđević


    The only real metro station in Belgrade still waits for its better days to come and to be connected with the other parts of (unbuild) subway. Creepy in the night.

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