Byblos Restaurant i Beograd

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SerbienByblos Restaurant



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6, Nebojšina, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 2441938
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Latitude: 44.7941269, Longitude: 20.4669949

kommentar 5

  • en

    darinka kovacevic


    Perfect food, perfect service, perfect atmosphere.

  • en

    Joyce Trojanovic


    It has nothing to do with lebanese food. Zero service, zero food. Big disappointment as a lebanese.

  • en

    vladimir vrhovac


    Amazing restaurant with great food and wines. Staff is very pleasent. Some dishes you can only get here

  • Michael Jacobs

    Michael Jacobs


    Not a fan at all. I am disappointed by the lack of Lebanese food in Belgrade, but that doesn't mean there isn't any that is good. This place is the worst I've had so far. I'd rather get something from a shawarma take out stand. I had moutabbal as an appetizer which was actually pretty good. I had to pay extra for the pita bread to eat it and then there wasn't even enough bread. I think they charged me about 150 dinara for about half a piece of pita that wasn't even very good pita. Stupid. The main meal I ordered, the ouzi, was really disappointing. It was a lamb that was overcooked and covered in yogurt sauce. The description on the menu sounds amazing but it was really disappointing, and small. I actually left hungry... I have never in my life left a Lebanese restaurant hungry. If you want real Lebanese food in Belgrade, don't go here, go to Hanan. I've eaten at many in Detroit and Dearborn, the largest concentration of this food in the US and Byblos is worse than all of them.

  • en

    TheTVwatching Bull


    Everything is so tasty and the waiters are so helpfull. The prices are a bit on the high end.

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