Intergalactic Diner i Beograd

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SerbienIntergalactic Diner



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22, Internacionalnih brigada, 11000, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 2434444
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.7949347, Longitude: 20.4691333

kommentar 5

  • en

    Petar Petrovic


    Bad Service/Rude Staff. Stale bread buns. Small portions and below average quality of ingredients. Interior is 5* but everything else is just really unsatisfactory for a place that should be a Diner..its the conplete oppisite of one.

  • en

    Uros Trajkovic


    Apart from beeing best dinner in Belgrade, it works late night. We love this place!

  • Anja Hudak

    Anja Hudak


    Awsomme food, price is ok and the experience is great, they have jukebox in which you can put 5 dinars and choose a song. I recommend apple pie, with the most tasty ice cream topping and when it comes to burger you can't go wrong with anything, you get a side of french fries and two onion rings. You can even collect points every time you eat so you can eventually have a free meal.

  • andy roid

    andy roid


    Not much to say about this place except that it has tasty burgers (many kinds), fries (the cheese and chili ones with jalapenos), onion rings, salads and shakes. The place has a look like American cafeterias in the mid 60s and the staff is polite and helpful. Unfortunately, they do not have their own parking but they are open 24/7 and you can visit whenever you want... :)

  • Aleksandra Conic

    Aleksandra Conic


    I really love this place. It is like entering a time machine. There is a plenty of space and you do not feel like everyone is staring at your plate. Burgers are fantastic. I have few favorites,but always open for new stuff. I would definitely recommend this place. Off course,it would not be my first choice for foreigners as it has no domestic food,but certainly worth visiting.

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