Holiday Inn Belgrade i Beograd

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SerbienHoliday Inn Belgrade



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74, Španskih boraca, 11070, Beograd, Grad Beograd, RS Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 3100000
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.8097553, Longitude: 20.4142875

kommentar 5

  • David Needham

    David Needham


    Attended a tech event at the attached Balexpo Center. WiFi was terrible, but otherwise the venue seems good for our events

  • en

    Noddiz Zeddel


    Nice clean rooms. Small breakfast and you can hear when the person in the next room brushes his teeth.

  • en

    Branko Milicevic


    Great hotel, clean rooms, friendly front desk.

  • Peter Arvidsson

    Peter Arvidsson


    Having stayed there four times the past year and a half I can say that the rooms are OK, the staff at the reception are generally nice and service-minded. It is over-prized though, I would say, as it is only an OK hotel. The only reason for staying there for me is location - very close to the company I visit.

  • Kelvin Eagleton

    Kelvin Eagleton


    Top marks for this hotel. My wife and I only have positive things to say about it. Check-in at about 23.45 on Thursday 6 July 2017, we just arrived by taxi just as a large tour bus arrived at the hotel. The tour guide ran inside to make sure his guests were checked in fast, which really annoyed me (not hotel's fault). We did however get attended within 5 minutes and check-in was very good and the staff member very professional and nice personality. We went to our room (312), wow it was amazing. It was very clean, comfortable, and everything we expected for the price we had paid. The bathroom was great, shower perfect, bed, perfect in every way and so so comfortable. We only had 5 hours sleep but were so refreshed and ready for our day out in Belgrade. Breakfast was included in our package. It is the best breakfast buffet we have had in any Holiday Inn throughout the world and best within the price range. We are both vegetarian and were satisfied very much. Coffee machine cappuccino did the best cappuccino from a machine ever and again we were very much satisfied, considering that we do have very high standards. We had a late flight so asked for a late check-out (8pm) which was no problem and we did pay an additional charge, again which was no problem. The atmosphere, furniture, staff, cleanliness was absolutely perfect. We will be back, with friends, and we hope all travellers reading this review will do same. This hotel deserves your patronage and I hope your stay will be as rewarding as ours.

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