Senjak i Belgrade

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kursumlijska 2, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 11 2651794
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Latitude: 44.79476, Longitude: 20.4458271

kommentar 5

  • Eliot Zhang

    Eliot Zhang


    No laundry service. Nice staff

  • Željko Crnković

    Željko Crnković


    A/C was making such bad smell that I had to turn it off and open windows for a whole night as I could not bread. Sound isolation is terrible, entrance doors are 2-3cm above floor so you can hear (and almost see :) ) who is in from of the doors. Glasses were very dirty and there was a lot of broken tiles and wooden floor. There was almost nothing available during the breakfast (everything was empty and no-one was refilling). Terrible hygiene visible on every step. Personel was very nice. Location is really 400m to Belgrade Fair

  • en

    Dreamer Dragan


    Very loud place the reason is the city railway is 20m far from rooms, food I mean breakfast is bad and late, last time 40 minutes. Rooms are not comfortable and the bathroom is small... Far away from Vila Senjak it is disaster......

  • en

    Миро Паскалев


    I will never come back. Very noise, uncomfortable - app. 304, and no parking place.

  • Iki



    Nice location and polite staff. However, the room I stayed in was not worth the money. Not at all. Also, towels were like ten years old, teared, yet clean. Also, the bath tub was constantly floating the whole bathroom when used ... not worth the money.

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