Hostel Inn Downtown i Belgrade

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SerbienHostel Inn Downtown



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Koče Popovića 6, Belgrade, Serbia
kontakter telefon: +381 65 2288200
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.812727, Longitude: 20.454593

kommentar 5

  • Iva Šterk

    Iva Šterk


    Cheap accommodation, nice rooftop terrace and central location, however: low water pressure leaves you in the shower with cold water or no running water at all. Owner claimed not to know about the issue. Poorly equipped kitchen, lacking in basics like cups and cutlery. Not particularly clean; tattered towels. Given the patchy water supply and six long flights of stairs to climb, a little more attention to details would go a long way.

  • en

    Kim Brauer


    We arrived on a busy Saturday and many hostels were full. This one had 10Euro beds free in what seemed like an overflow room (on the 5th floor instead of the 6th -- it's a hike up!). The room smelled off and there was a strong sewer-y smell to the bathroom, there were lockers big enough for backpacks, and basic beds and bedding. I enjoyed talking to the other guests, but couldn't recommend this place unless you're on a one-night transit stay like we were and can't find somewhere else.

  • Jenny Gerber

    Jenny Gerber


    Extremely basic hostel very close to the bus station. I can only recommend for a tight transit turnaround on a budget. €10 for a simple dorm bed, no breakfast, no coffee, no atmosphere. I stayed in a dorm on the 5th floor. The bathroom was gross, the room smelled like cat pee, and the lock to the room was troublesome - even the staff had difficulty getting their key to work. The building itself is beautiful and the terrace is nice, but overall this place provides the bare minimum of any hostel I’ve experienced.

  • Anita Grujić

    Anita Grujić


    Amazing place! The hostel is located in the old city,you are in 10 minutes walk from everywhere (the river,the old city center,the railway station)...Hostel is clean and cheap.Enjoy😊😊

  • en

    lifesbest23 2


    The Hostel seemed nice at first because of the outdoor area and the low price but the people there were really inconsiderate. No one cleaned up after themselves in the toilets or shower and the staff did not do anything about it as well. I think if you just want to have a cheap place to sleep it is nice but you wont really feel like at home. A lot of the people here go clubbing so you should not expect to not be disturbed during the night.

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